Monday 18 June 2012

Make a Nest for Love in your Heart

I have been contemplating the importance of LOVE my whole life.  In my twenties my motto was to "Follow my heart". By my late twenties I was learning how to LOVE MYSELF.  Self-love is a crucial way of being on the path of personal evolution and healing.    

Lately love has become an all-pervading 24 hour meditation.  So what does that look like?
When I wake up in the morning before even getting out of bed I make an intention for the day.  I visualize that I AM THAT (LOVE) and I see myself, feel myself being all that I need from the inside out.  I see myself glowing with light, in my power, creativity, sensuality, aligned, abundant, joyful. 

Feeling the heart center is a way to connect with love. Feeling the beating heart within and feeling appreciation for life, or something simple like my room, my new art that I created on my wall, my comfort in bed, my health, whatever I can think of that I am grateful for in that moment.  Being grateful, eventually snowballs and creates more lightness in life.

I do my practice, after a cup of tea, and perhaps a little cleaning up...which I used to dread, and complain about, a lot.  Who likes walking into a messy kitchen.  But not now, filling the dishwasher and wiping the counter is now a mediation of JOY.....I'll keep you posted on how that is going. My practice is usually either yoga, meditation, qigong and a nature excursion. 
These activities fill up my self-love tank, and make me readily available to accept others as they are to give in healing sessions or lead classes.

I remember to take the time to hug my house mates and friends and connect heart to heart.  I am open and grounded when talking to others. I suspend judgment and practice to be compassionate when people are doing things that might piss me off.  

Being loving doesn't mean you have to put up with shit though. Noooo!

Acceptance of myself in all of my ups and downs gives me "the balls" to tell people what I am really feeling, or thinking in a positive way, taking responsibility for my emotions and reactions as much as possible.  That gives everyone around me an opportunity to be real and responsible for themselves too.  This is how we learn together. 

Impatience, hastiness and hate are results of negative energy in the heart.  So having patience and slowing down from the frenetic pace of life is a great way  to grow the positive virtues of the heart. Forgiveness is also a way to heal the heart. Forgiveness of all your past hurts will heal the hate.  

Acceptance is synonymous with love.  Being present is also being available for love in every moment, for connecting to love in the present moment is connecting to the source of life.  Keeping a hawk eye on leaking energy or worrying about the past and future. Being aware of where I put my attention, into what kind of they perpetuate good feelings or bad feelings, am I feeding my demons or feeding my light and personal power. 

And even when afraid to remember that the only thing to fear is fear itself. I don't buy into the illusions that man and even I have created. I tune into my truth, the part of me that is pure light.  I am so much bigger that I often allow myself to be or acknowledge, so now is a time to grow into the awareness of that bigness, to spread my wings and fly! 

This all takes practice! And that is what I like to share and encourage, so to help you, I would like to share the most beneficial meditations on LOVE that I have practiced. Passed down from the Buddha is the Metta or Loving Kindness meditation and the Taoist Inner Smile Meditation.  You can find the Inner Smile Meditation on my website at:

In Love, Joy and Peace!